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Roxanne founded ProLaureate, LTD in 2005 after a highly successful career as the only female executive in a male-dominated, global, specialty construction products company.  This experience, combined with her previous careers as a corporate communications consultant and trainer; grant writer, consultant and executive in non-profit performing arts organizations - brought her to an understanding and awareness of her true love and genuine purpose in all the work she had done up to that point in time – leadership development.


From her experience, it was clear that the most successful, profitable, healthy, sustainable organizations had strong, authentic leaders at the helm and a culture of developing individual, team and organizational leadership throughout the company.  And those that did not – faltered at best, and failed at worst.


When the construction products company for whom she worked was sold, she decided to seize the opportunity and move on to the next level of her professional journey… entrepreneurship.  So she created a firm dedicated to helping organizations and individuals understand and develop the real foundation of success – genuine, authentic leadership – and ProLaureate Ltd. became a reality.


Most organizations struggle because they do not differentiate between leadership and management, but this is where real leadership starts.  With an exploration and sharing of the differences between both, and the power of what happens when awareness and knowledge is increased, authentic leadership grows exponentially - transforming the people and the culture. Then the awareness, understanding, knowledge, strategy and tools help you to execute – and step into leadership in an extraordinary way… to emerge as Champions and Exemplary Leaders of your life, your business and your career. 


From Roxanne,


“Leadership is all we do.  We love our work and the people for whom we do it.  We painstakingly customize each of our programs to help you create your own success; strengthen your organization and develop dynamic, effective leaders and cultures of leadership – in your time, in your way and to meet your goals and ambitions.


Since my work in transformational leadership began over 25 years ago, I have seen consistent results from people and organizations with true vision, purpose, passion and direction.  Their teams become cohorts of effective communication, collaboration and cooperation; they develop sustainable, deep and strong leadership bench strength; they retain the best people; increase market share, market reach and profitability; and create alignment of individuals, teams and the organization to one vision with one voice all driving the unique values and vision of the organization."

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