Roxanne Kaufman Elliott created and delivered Negotiating with Strength, a newly developed leadership program for the Women’s Network Leadership Institute, in July of 2020, in the middle of the COVID pandemic. WNLI launched it with guarded optimism, not knowing if the virtual platform could emulate in-person workshops and engage participants at a deep learning level. As the Executive Director, I was present at all four workshops and watched carefully to observe the participants, keep tabs on the energy in the room, and gather feedback from those attending.
I am pleased to report that participants gave excellent feedback, and felt they learned so much about both the Right Brain and the Left Brain of negotiating. The curriculum was thorough, supported the goal of learning both the art and science of the leadership-based negotiation process and ended on a high note. The entire cohort worked in breakout groups and pairs throughout the series and presented their cases to be negotiated to the entire class on the final day. They left confident and energized from the experience.
They expressed great appreciation for the depth of knowledge offered in the program, and the engaging experience - albeit virtual. The group bonded and requested all contact information so that going forward they could stay connected.
All of this is thanks to Roxanne’s excellent design and delivery of the program, follow up, interconnection with participants and her depth of knowledge, experience, and skill.
Thank you, Roxanne for a great experience!
Jan Conrad
Executive Director
Women’s Network Leadership Institute
Akron, Ohio